Short respite?

After 2 days at the vet getting IV fluids and meds with no sign of improvement, thought yesterday was the day I would be saying good bye to my sweet bear (she has more nicknames than you can imagine).  Just after making the appointment with Dr. B and sharing the news of my decision, Dr. B calls to tell me that Lupe is eating.  What?  So I went over to see her and she had perked up, was walking around and yes, even eating!  Dr. B was going to send everything to Dr. Z so that she would be up to speed today.  Dr. B feel that maybe surgery is Lupe’s best option.  So Lupe walked out of the vet’s office yesterday!  And I got a night of snuggling which I hadn’t expected.

Today is a different story.  She’s refusing food again and just wants to be in her bed in the bedroom.  She was very uncooperative with her meds this morning as well.  I did have to give her a 1/2 bath (the back end) cuz’ she just needed it and that does usually make her a little mad, but she usually runs around, rubbing into everything for about 5 minutes before she pouts.  None of the today.

Waiting to speak with Dr. Z to decide if we move forward or it we make her as comfortable as possible until it time to let her go.  The pit in my stomach and the panic in my chest is pretty much constant but I need to be strong for her…she who has shown all the strength in the world.  Don’t know what today or tomorrow may bring but I am thankful for each extra day we have together.

Mom's eating breakfast?!

3 thoughts on “Short respite?”

  1. You are in that unfortunate “gray area” where you don’t know if Lupe’s current behavior comes from the cancer in her leg or from something else. If it’s from the cancer, then the easy answer is to take the leg.

    If your vet told you her best bet was an amputation and you trust your vet (do you have a long, good relationship with him?), then he’s likely experienced enough to advise you correctly.

    Cancer hurts. Pain makes most creatures behave differently. If Lupe hurts, I don’t doubt that she has no appetite. Dogs can be very stoic and keep that pain hidden pretty well. Even tremendous pain.

    I hope this other vet can help you sort things out. Between the 3 of you, I would expect that you can ready a battle plan. If both Dr. B and Dr. Z say that Lupe just needs to ditch the painful leg, then you can execute the plan.


  2. Awwww what a cutie…..Lupe. I know how hard the game is of “I’m not going to eat”. I have one of those. I feel for what you are going through. Like Shari said, maybe with this second vets opinion you can move forward with a plan. Praying for you Lupe!

    Suzie and Rizzo

  3. Sending pawsitive thoughts out to you. Sometimes it is so hard to know what to do, but there are no wrong decisions. You’ll make a decision ultimately based on your love for Lupe, and that’s the best thing you can do for her.
    Hang in there and keep us posted!
    Jackie, Angel Abby’s mom

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