Coming up on a week post surgery

Trying to remain pawsitive but Lupe seems to be fading.  She is still not eating and seems to be so sleepy that she isn’t really moving.  She is still drinking and will go out to pee 2 or 3 times a day, but still no poop.  I have a call in to Dr. Z to give her an update, as Dr. B is not in the office today.  Dr. B did call last night and said she wanted me to follow up with Dr. Z as she is more knowledgable on how dogs react post amputation.

I went to the office for a few hours yesterday.  I needed to change of scenery and needed not to be jumping up every time I heard her move.  I think we both needed a break.  There were some tail wags and she did left her head up when I walked by her last night.  But so far this morning, she went outside and is lying by the door, she didn’t even really walk into the apartment.

Do I regret surgery?  No.  I do feel like I had to give her a shot to be cancer free and live out her lifespan healthy and feeling good.  I just don’t know if that’s a possibility right now.  I don’t like the thoughts that are going through my head or the dreams I am having about things.  But then I try to wipe those thoughts away and remember that she had major surgery at almost 15 and may need longer to heal.  I guess I will see what Dr. Z has to say.

***Updated post for Lupe fashion show***

Lupe resting in red 6/11/12
Lupe the life guard (and my foot) 6/12/12Orange sherbert 6/13/12